I like using the 3D Box Covers, they look real and cool. Sega Mega CD and MD 32X games in Bonus Games Section.

Sega Mega Drive Flashback Console with Wireless MD 6 Button Controllers If you have never heard of it before, this is what it looks like. with the MD/Genesis Flashback HD 2018 Game Manager. You can add games like this in this video. The emulator it uses is from libretro so it uses Genesis GX Plus by default and you can use Pico Drive if you use the custom firmware and mod it then you can load 32X games. When adding games to the SD Card, you need them to be in a rom folder and the Bios have to be in the same folder to so the Sega/Mega CD games work, the game manager sorts all that out for you. I made a wiki for the MD/Genesis replica consoles and other AtGames Flashback Consoles too. Yes you can mod it now, it even has a MD/Genesis Flashback HD 2018 Game Manager, makes it easier to add games to the SD Card, you install a update and it then replaced the mount point for the rom folder in the its firmware and mount it to the rom folder on the SD Card so replaces all the games on the console. and keep all the other sections as they meant to be. I still have mine even thought I have a Mega Drive Mini too, I think the UI is better cause its easier to sort the games so you have Sonic for Sonic Games and Bonus Section for other games so if you mod it, like I have, you can use the Bonus section for MD/Gen 32X and Sega/Mega CD games. Did anyone here buy one of theses before getting the Mega Drive Mini.?